Monday, July 27, 2009

well, that time mrs tay told us to do a powerpoint on self constituition, and unfortunately, i did not upload my sketches, well, here they are =)

here is a picture of my sketchbook, started on march, i initially wanted to bring this to school for something to doodle with and something to show off. But the thing is, that's not me, im not a boastful, show off so, i have since stopped bringing it already, its just selfish and not nice... but oh well, it has some sketches.

on the first few days of school i started sketching my teachers, well, i realised that my realistic representation of people was a little off track and they don't resemble them, so i am resorting to curiculture, unfortunately, annoying people from my classes see the caricutures and gave them to the teachers themselves. well, funny enough most of the teachers said that they will keep it as a soveneir.

more pictures, well, as stated before, iw as inspired with this manga stuff, but i am revolted by over-magafication, as in uber tall people, skinny legs, skinny body, big big eyes, im leaning towards the more realistic kind, something more western... here i am exploring facial features n expressions =)

more cartooning sketches, as i mentioned before, im pretty fond with cartoons, they can convey messages more effectively then boring documentaries...but cartooning is NOT my primary interest...

ever since the lesson on cubism, i have tried to do some exploration with cubic forms, NOT simplification of subject matter but building cubic forms from scratch, its easy to represent them and pleasing to the eye, i can make shadings in such a way that the cubic forms are made of jelly, plastic and sometimes metal, but the metal effect is hard to show on a scanner... its nice to draw them during boring lectures..

*commercial break! here's a pic of my dog, XD*
before i got her, i never never knew dogs had eyelashes, well god is such a wonderful being, there are human-like gender differences in animals as well... my dog's a girl btw...

more cubism-inspired work...

remember post-impressionsim? well, the artists tend to attack the canvas at a fast rate, what ever color they see, they paint it, so i went to see if it can be applied on color pencils as well, well, here's a coloring work of the stuff on my table, i realised that the more changing of colors (change of color pencils and the number of layers of colors) the image will be more realistic... so should i be doing this forever, i will come out with an extremely realistic photo-like picture.

there was also this phase when i was excessively interested in chinese calligraphy, well my chinese is horrendous, but i find their text nice and flowy, well the "expert" calligraphers are all rubbish, so i have explored making words abstract, but still recognisable at first glance, really fun, because i incorporate the motion of the strokes. i write the word down using normal hand writing and i take the "whiskers" of pencil markers due to cursive writing into account.

more pictures...

hmm, we had this painting lesson before, never new there was so many variation of colors in classy-cheem categorization, well, its a waste of time, money and washing work if i use acrylic paint itself at home, so i resorted to color pencils, i noticed that the color pencils had eerily similar colored color pencils in comparision to the acrylic paint terms..
i tried blending, which was fun, it was much much much easier to control and it is waaaaaaaaaaay neater...

more pictures...

*commercial break! haha my dog makes funny faces when i attach stuff on her collar*

more anime-manga inspired sketches, notice that i really love role playing games, those with wizards, warriors and something... on certain occasions, i even sketch my game avatars to bring them to life, its like playing a computer game during boring lectures!!!

Here is my primary obsession!!!!
every sicne primary school, my friends introduced me to Runescape, my first role playing game, till then, i enjoed every bit of it, really fun, till my results went bad and my parents barred me from playing for 2 years... =(. but i realised something! i can re live my pleasure in playing them game by creating maps of my own! instead of following other people's imagination, i can create my own, to live in my own imaginary world, i draft out stories, lore, history and magical science into my maps, being a geography student, there are vast number of names to describe a landform, for example, an edge of land pointing out of the sea can be named "peninsula, serpent's dagger, dragonheart's landing, the scimitar edge..."
its really fun! people have lame imaginary friends to play with, as for me, i have a whole new world full of imaginary subject matter to think, we are living in a world that abides the laws of physics and its dull, we are NOT forced to treat life like this, in your dreams, your life, you definitely can imagine a world unique to you, where you ARE GOD and that it might even exist somewhere else in the universe.

Who knows? maybe god gave us the power to create worlds and be the GOD of that world, just that the world exists in another plane and people worship you? and maybe we ourselves are living in GOD's thoughts? an object existing is due to the perception of a person or party, a blind person born to the world thinks that the color red doesn't exist, but it is his imagination from other people's perception that red is red.
A yellow egg does not neccessarily be yellow, its our visual perception of the light's wavelength that gave the color yellow. Should our eyes be capable of detecting only low wavelength of light, aka our perception, everything will look like vommit.

well, my first inspiration was from a runescape fansite, afterwhich, it was a picture on the Lord of the Rings dvd, well, i don't usually showcase this obsession to people as i feel that i am nerdy enough, people in sji however are all boys so its more fun to talk about it.
other main inspirations was from the mmorpg World of Warcraft, Diablo 2, guildwars, maplestory(they represent maps in 3d).

Rpg map obsession has been with me since primary school and it will never leave me, a new world can be drafted just like that, similar to art movements, they are maps which differ in style! realistic RPG maps are much like google earth, post-impressionistic are just like Lord of the Rings, with simplification of mountains, rivers, and a medieval touch to it,

dada and pop art maps are like Maplestory's they have maps that points of focus pop out of the map, which are colorful and looks like a collage, where awkward terrains are placed next to each other, pop art in which case is the pop culture of japan, the "cuteness" and "colorful" qualities are present.

Surrealistic maps such as this below,

well, its surrealistic as there is juxtaposition of landmarks and terrains, a rocky mountain range is positioned directly next to a swamp, which is right next to a barren wasteland. The land is seen to be floating amongst the cosmos, in a dreamlike state. In the game, chunks of earth are seen floating, defying gravity, water flows out from the sky and the entire mass is just a floating chunk of earth...really wonderful...

well, there was this cubist map, its actually the same as the above, but it involves layers, as in multiple chunks of earth are floating on top each other, and yet the map shows it in such a way that all the layers are shown clearly, even those hidden beneath the front chunks of earth, different perspective, the land pictured in the maps can also be seen tilting at a dangerous angle, land doesnt always appear flat and perpendicular to gravity, a plane-like world can be seen bent and slanting to a side, with water flowing down the slope as if it is a mountain...

well,, thats all...


Blogger Unknown said...

it is a mouthful of stuff u have got here.
futurists like to capture movement-- look at Giacomo Balla's works-- esp. "Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash"-- try that on ur beloved doggie! =) or u can simply 'cubist' her!

July 27, 2009 at 6:51 PM  

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