Thursday, August 27, 2009

What is judged to be valuable art?

its rather simple actually, well.....not that simple...if i think harder.

i have seen artworks which are simple and easy to make that sell for millions of dollars.
so i have come to the verdict, that the labour put into a piece of an artwork does not affect the value it has.

an artwork done in any school that includes a large mural painting can be easily out-valued by an artwork done by Piet Mondrain, life is just that....

in my blog entry, i will say about two kinds of "valuable"

valuable to the artist
and valuable in terms of selling the artwork to the market.

in the eyes of the artist, it is definitely obvious that they judge their own handmade creations to be valuable. They created it, they came up with the idea, its a one of a kind work. even artworks done in a series like the ones by Brancussi have individualistic points of each art piece. however, it is the impact that the artwork has done to the artist that determines how valuable an artwork is. for example, the first "splatter" painting by Pollock is valuable to him as it sparked the artist's fame, compared t the black and white paintings in the end which is seen to be not as valuable as that....

valuable in the market.
simply put, it is the relevance to the popular culture that determines the value.
it depends on the demmand. its like a trend, rich people who are ignorant in art, pay large sums just to possess artwork which are all-the rage at a point of time. I believe that the price on artworks fluctuate acording to the time of the society.

Friday, August 21, 2009

well, here's the pic mrs Tay wanted us to blog about....

Whats the Punctum of this photo? (the point of this photo)

well, to me, what i see is an everyday wall paper pasted upon the wall, the top right hand corner of the wallpaper is drooping down a little. The point of the artwork? well, on my opninion, it must be an image on a postcard or one of those leaflets given out thru art exibhitions, because i can see two titles on the sides of the wall paper.

it seems to be like a normal photograph taken by any person visiting the museum , maybe he or she just wants to share their sights and thoughts.

Whats the studium of this photo? ( i think it meant whats the studying aspect of this photo)

in my opninion, the studium of this photo is the process of researching different artworks..

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Here is the pic that im going to blog about, hope you people like it =)

What is this work made of?

Well, at first glance, it looks like its made of hollow black metal. Steel perhaps? with some glossy black paint over the surface? it can also be made up of multiple black balls that are weilded together to form this bubbly appearance? face it, its really mysterious, it reminds me the black tar-like weapon that the villains in "the incredibles" used to shoot down Mr Incredible after he saw the computer... well, it can also be a series of black latex balloons shaped in this strange manner.

What do you think the title is?

well, my first guess is "Heavy Bubbles" seeing that the artwork looks like bubbles and that it looks black and dense looking, really thick.

What do you think the artist is trying to convey in this work?

being an abstract artwork, it took me a while to think...
should be along the lines of "multiplying black soap bubbles". perhaps a symbolism of black soap? it will be ironic, soap is used to cleanse the body and yet the color black is described to be a dirty color,
so it might mean something mean to be good but its doing great harm?
like the Tamiflu stuff? the fact that its multiplying might suggest that these "things" are increasing rapidly?
soap bubbles like this are hard to control, just like using a straw to blow soap water, you can't really make the bubbles form a tower, they just get everywhere till your eyes go red...ive tried it before, haha

What feelings are invoked in you when seeing the artwork?

three feelings to be exact, the fact that these resembles black berries really made me feel extremely famished, especially during this month where im sick like everyday. It looks really tasty and juicy from afar, the reflecting effect further makes it look fresh and sweet.

secondly, its something about remembering my younger days, my early childhood. i used to steal soap from my parents room and mix it with water in a cup everytime i bathe. every outing at mac donalds, i will keep a few straw to blow bubbles in the cup, makes bathing something fun! the bubbles made resembles the artwork, just that it is transparent and it makes my eyes hurt from the suds. generally, i feel warm inside, brings back memories.

the third is that i had this puzzled feeling, a mass of black ball-like objects popping out of nowhere? haha, im just puzzled.

Why do you think this work is suitable for public displaying?

generally, i don't think any artwork is suitable for displaying anywhere in singapore, with the high ammounts of ignorant aunties around where they use the sculptures as a spot to sit down and rest. but i guess "public" in this case is the buisness district area in singapore, with all the revered and smart international people around. i believe that this sculpture is rather unique, not many of the sculptures look so repitive and bubbly looking. well, it's roundness closely resembles the "Fat bird" sculpture along singapore river, well, its the direction for abstraction, smooth, round surface...

it looks nice for public displaying but im really worried that as time goes on, it looses its "touch" and people in the future just uses it as a fancy spot to sit down, thin about it, massive artworks, require big space to compliment it, not to mention that it needs to be placed a popular spot.

big + popular space > people waiting around and sightseeing, on tours > people with tired legs, no chairs around > use of the artwork as a fancy way to sit down.

then again, the artist's intention might even be that of encouraging the people to sit on it? to interact with it? haha

generally, this artwork looks nice if its photoshoped and put onto a polo shirt, will defnitely look cool.