well, here's the pic mrs Tay wanted us to blog about....
Whats the Punctum of this photo? (the point of this photo)
well, to me, what i see is an everyday wall paper pasted upon the wall, the top right hand corner of the wallpaper is drooping down a little. The point of the artwork? well, on my opninion, it must be an image on a postcard or one of those leaflets given out thru art exibhitions, because i can see two titles on the sides of the wall paper.
it seems to be like a normal photograph taken by any person visiting the museum , maybe he or she just wants to share their sights and thoughts.
Whats the studium of this photo? ( i think it meant whats the studying aspect of this photo)
in my opninion, the studium of this photo is the process of researching different artworks..
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